Hello, welcome to the third shrine of my website, featuring the horse-game 'Star Stable Online' (also known as SSO). I started playing this game since my love for horses and the equestrian sports grew even more. I remember, as a kid I've tried to play SSO too, but somehow I chose to quit very quickly. I don't remember why I did that, but I'm glad I've found this game again (It is my new addiction lmao).
The Game
My gawd, this game is addicting. I could spend hours playing it, riding my horse, without taking a break (and guess what; I actually do that). I personally really enjoy taking on (very easy) quests and enjoying a bit of storyline here and there, while peacefully galloping around in pretty landscapes and SSO is perfect for that xD.
On the other hand, there is also a competitive side of the game. You can participate in championships, (hoping to place first, second or third) to get a nice shiny ribbon/rosette your horse can wear proudly. Despite this aspect of the game being stressful and nerve-wracking, I still participate and enjoy it while doing so.
I do have to admit that this game is a huge money-grab, and I would normally never spend this much money in-game. It's the ability to ride horses, somewhat realisticly, that makes me want to pay.
My Horses
Ace |
Harpy |
Coconutbear |
Marwari |
Shire |
Jorvik Starter Pony |
My favorite of all. I got him when the Marwaris were heavily discounted and it was the best decision I have made in this game :). Most time in game I'm riding on this horse. |
My Shire gelding is the cutest and the tallest. Spent a lot of money to get him, but it was very much worth it! I'm training him, trying to achieve max lvl. |
Second ever horse I got. Mainly purchased him because of his cheap price and so that I can participate in pony championships and races. He's so adorable :D |
Pepper |
Panda |
Sunsetmist |
Arabian |
Irish Cob |
Jorvik Warmblood |
Since this horse appeared in the Equestrian Festival, I knew I wanted to get it. So I indeed did, and named him Pepper. I am in love with his black rabicano color!! |
Got her at a discounted price, since she's the first generation and they will remove this horse from the game. It's cool to have a horse that's not available anymore :') |
This is my starter horse. I do not ride her much anymore, but she's beautiful. I chose these looks for my starter, cause I love patterns (especially tobiano). |
Sunny |
Royal |
Fortune |
Haflinger |
Percheron |
Faramawr/Jorvik Friesian |
I got this pretty haflinger because I ride that breed in real life. She reminds me of a horse, Stella, I used to ride often. This might be my one of my favorite breeds in the game. |
This is my racing horse. It's known to be one of the best racing breeds (only in the game though! not real life). Also this horse can do a cool lil special gait: the passage. |
I've saved up for this horse to be able to buy it. I love the grullo color of the normal version and the dragon appearance of the magic version. For non-SSO players, a magic horse has two different appearances and you can 'switch' between them. |
Coffee |
Nacho |
Willow |
Icelandic horse |
American Paint |
Mustang |
One of my favorite horses I own. I've wanted this horse for a long time but kept putting it off, but in July 2023 I finally decided to buy it! He's so adorable. |
Bought in July 2023, this horse was discounted to the price of only 225 starcoins! That's because this breed is also leaving SSO for good. I got one of my own, and I really like it! |
I love bay roan horses, and Willow is a pretty one. Finally I actually got a horse during the week of its release (in August 2023). |
These are some of the outfits I've created (atleast, the ones I've taken pictures of).
- Background image by Amiras Workshop.
- Some of the graphics are from Star Stable Online's official website.
- The pictures of my horses and outfits are taken in-game, by me, but feel free to use (and without needing to credit me) if anyone wants to.
- Some images and information is taken from Jorvikipedia | Fandom.